Thursday, January 31, 2008

In Honor of...

My father, Lawrence Arevalo. My dad Larry is a very important person to me.

He was born in Oxnard, a southern town of California. It is a small town but it was home. Larry now lives in Las Vegas on a job internship, before that he lived in Florida, and Washington.

He comes from a very large family. He is one of seven siblings. His father was from Texas, and moved to Oxnard. His mother was from Oxnard and stayed there. His parents were a basic middle class family. Larry is not very tall, he is about 5’6 and he has dark hair. His skin is a fair color, and a big majority of the time he is laughing. He loves to wear button up collared shirts, and always look good. Because he never knows who he might run in to or see.

My dad is a very strong, smart, loving, and disciplined man that taught my brothers and me that no matter what the situation; whether you like it or not make sure that you are always giving respect to the person that is front of you. He was not just a dad; he was a teacher, a mentor, a man that helped us with our struggles, and a provider.

My dad had a laugh that is so powerful that he could be at one end of the street and you at the other and you could still hear it. That laugh taught me that it is ok to have fun and let loose.

Larry did graduate high school, and has some college background, and took classes for art and painting. One of the big things I looked up to my father about was that no matter how old he was or how much he was working he still showed his children that there is time for school, and you can still do things with your life.

Even as a child he would give me advice, and I would think in my head, “yah right.” But now that I have somewhat matured, I realize that everything he said was right and he told us those words of advice to protect us.

For a longtime in his life, almost about fifteen years he was a district warehouse manager for the Ventura Unified School District. He is now going to be a manager for a company called uniserve.

He stands out very much to me because he knows me, and he has always done whatever is best for me and my future. He will stick by my side no matter what, and he loves me more than anyone could ever imagine.

This person to me is my father, my friend, my hero, my teacher, my helper, and a dad who loves me a lot. He is a man that never will give up on me, and knows that I am capable of so many things, and he lets that be known.