Thursday, April 17, 2008

Same Sex Marriage 3: Raising Children in S.S.M.

Should gay and lesbian couples not be allowed to raise children? What is so wrong with same sex couples providing, loving, and taking care of their children? Can’t they show their kids the same love that straight couples can? It is just society that says they cannot, we as a community put boundaries up against them. The stigma that straight society put on gay people’s ability to raise children is awful. Fear should be let go; whether it be fear of something different, someone succeeding in raising a child breaking the norm, or being complete. In today’s society “gay and anything having to do with that” is a hot topic.

More commonly than not, a family consists of a father, a mother, and their children. Lately a pattern is starting to happen in the world; same sex couples are legally adopting children together, and/ or one or both of the partners are giving birth to a child. Some may call this idea is absurd. Others would think that the world is changing and for the better. Some could say that we are finally getting the equality that the world so desperately has desired for centuries and centuries. One story in particular comes to mind when dealing with this subject.

A female named Tracy, born a woman, decided that she was uncomfortable with being a woman, and felt better suited to change her life to be a man. Tracy turned into Thomas with the help of testosterone and a physician. When Tracy decided to make this change she felt that she wanted to keep her ovaries so one day she can have children. Tracy surgically got rid of her female breasts and slowly changed to a male.

You may be wondering how in the world a woman can turn into a man. This process is called transgender.

In the womb up until around two months genitals look the same. When and if testosterone is introduced then the body begins to shape and form. Tracy did end up introducing testosterone to her body, but a little later in her life; which made her body transition into a male body. Thomas and his wife fooled the world. People in the couple’s community assume that Thomas wife is the pregnant one, and Thomas is just a regular/ordinary proud father to be.

How is the world going to deal with this new news? Sadly this child might be looked at differently because of its parents, Thomas and his wife might not be treated the same as they once did by other people in the community, and someone could get harmed. Wouldn’t it be great if none of those outcomes happened? Take a look at your life and decide whether or not you would like to be judged for being you. If you chose that being judged and hurt just were not the thing for you, maybe you should re-evaluate the way you treat others.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

same sex marriage 2: religious point

Many would call a marriage a religious ceremony that a couple share together, and in that ceremony that is when the two make the decision to devote their lives to each other. This religious ceremony in many eyes is strictly for two of the opposite sex a man and a woman, not for two men or even two women to share with each other. That idea is just a forbidden sin, especially in the Christian community.

I was in church, listening to the preacher talk about forgiveness and acceptance and he said, “God does not judge, he loves everyone no matter what their sin.” Right after this was said the preacher began to talk with such passion about how being gay is not acceptable, that is a sin and you choose to be gay. I chuckled just a little bit because in front of everyone not only did they contradict themselves, but they are trying to get others to hate. I thought in religion there is no room for hating because God loves everyone and sees them for who they are, and the big one of we are all his children. If you are a preacher you are not only representing yourself, you are representing God and all his believers, and homosexual people are also believers. That should be remembered.

Being gay does not automatically cross you out from going to heaven. If you are homosexual you can be permitted to heaven if and when you accept the lord and faith into your life.

Monday, March 3, 2008

same sex marriage view 1

Same sex marriage has been a big topic ever since the idea came about. Are you for it, or are you against it. Some choose to say, “I am not for gay marriage, but for the ideas for civil unions.” In the up incoming presidential elections of 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama does say this. Of course Mr. Obama says this to get the popular vote for the people who oppose it, and the people that are for it. You should put everything on the table, especially if you are running for presidency. Do not beat around the bush, say what you are really for; people will respect you more. You cannot have one and not the other. When it comes down to it, it is all the same thing.

It is not fair to the American people to mislead them. Do not try to keep everyone happy and get what you want out of it. Because when that is done the issue at hand never really gets taken care of, or goes away. People will still argue about it, try to get their view seen and understood.

Civil unions are not recognized in every state; only a few in the United States acknowledge them. We as the United States should have this going on in every state. We are all created equal and we all have the same rights as one another under the law. If two gay men that have a civil union with each other in Vermont decide to move from that state to South Dakota their civil union will not be respected and it will be as if it never happened.

Either you put it in play if and when you become president, or you completely disregard the whole idea. Just be honest about it because people will know that you care and are not being a sneaky and deceitful leader.

Monday, February 11, 2008

a note to vote

In the 2008 presidential elections Barack Obama is one of the many nominees. An important issue to this candidate is to stop the war in Iraq; which Obama is not for at all. The font on the blog site is readable, and the font is also black. The background colors are white and blue. Readable font shows that this candidate is to the point. he is not hiding any underline issues, you know who he is and he is a trustworthy person. At the very top of the blog there is an American flag waving with Barack Obama’s picture and in the picture he is pointing his finger. This picture shows that he is strong, determined, and wants to wave our flag in a positive direction. The colors in the picture are vibrant, and that tells us that things are going to look up if he is elected president, and that the American people will be happy with their decision in voting for Obama. Barack will impact my life in many different ways if he were elected president. The war will hopefully be stopped which will cause less worry on everyone, and people will be able to unite and leave these scary issues in the past. He plans for better healthcare which can help not just me but everyone in the United States. I think overall all his changes will be important and impacting to everyone.

The title of the blog that I read was “Obama 08.” The blogger that created this site is Robert l. Rouse. Frankly this blog does not do a good job of representing the candidate. A few pieces of information were there, like Obama is against the war, he wants health care for everyone, and he has the youth vote. But it mainly focused on who is supporting Barack, and by that I mean what celebrities are for him. There was a lot of bashing against the other candidates, but not enough good concrete evidence for someone who opposed Obama to vote for him. There were a lot of pictures of Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and others. But only a couple pictures were up of Barack Obama who in which the blog is focused on.

Please do remember that voting is important, and although you do not think it matters, it does.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

In Honor of...

My father, Lawrence Arevalo. My dad Larry is a very important person to me.

He was born in Oxnard, a southern town of California. It is a small town but it was home. Larry now lives in Las Vegas on a job internship, before that he lived in Florida, and Washington.

He comes from a very large family. He is one of seven siblings. His father was from Texas, and moved to Oxnard. His mother was from Oxnard and stayed there. His parents were a basic middle class family. Larry is not very tall, he is about 5’6 and he has dark hair. His skin is a fair color, and a big majority of the time he is laughing. He loves to wear button up collared shirts, and always look good. Because he never knows who he might run in to or see.

My dad is a very strong, smart, loving, and disciplined man that taught my brothers and me that no matter what the situation; whether you like it or not make sure that you are always giving respect to the person that is front of you. He was not just a dad; he was a teacher, a mentor, a man that helped us with our struggles, and a provider.

My dad had a laugh that is so powerful that he could be at one end of the street and you at the other and you could still hear it. That laugh taught me that it is ok to have fun and let loose.

Larry did graduate high school, and has some college background, and took classes for art and painting. One of the big things I looked up to my father about was that no matter how old he was or how much he was working he still showed his children that there is time for school, and you can still do things with your life.

Even as a child he would give me advice, and I would think in my head, “yah right.” But now that I have somewhat matured, I realize that everything he said was right and he told us those words of advice to protect us.

For a longtime in his life, almost about fifteen years he was a district warehouse manager for the Ventura Unified School District. He is now going to be a manager for a company called uniserve.

He stands out very much to me because he knows me, and he has always done whatever is best for me and my future. He will stick by my side no matter what, and he loves me more than anyone could ever imagine.

This person to me is my father, my friend, my hero, my teacher, my helper, and a dad who loves me a lot. He is a man that never will give up on me, and knows that I am capable of so many things, and he lets that be known.