Thursday, April 17, 2008

Same Sex Marriage 3: Raising Children in S.S.M.

Should gay and lesbian couples not be allowed to raise children? What is so wrong with same sex couples providing, loving, and taking care of their children? Can’t they show their kids the same love that straight couples can? It is just society that says they cannot, we as a community put boundaries up against them. The stigma that straight society put on gay people’s ability to raise children is awful. Fear should be let go; whether it be fear of something different, someone succeeding in raising a child breaking the norm, or being complete. In today’s society “gay and anything having to do with that” is a hot topic.

More commonly than not, a family consists of a father, a mother, and their children. Lately a pattern is starting to happen in the world; same sex couples are legally adopting children together, and/ or one or both of the partners are giving birth to a child. Some may call this idea is absurd. Others would think that the world is changing and for the better. Some could say that we are finally getting the equality that the world so desperately has desired for centuries and centuries. One story in particular comes to mind when dealing with this subject.

A female named Tracy, born a woman, decided that she was uncomfortable with being a woman, and felt better suited to change her life to be a man. Tracy turned into Thomas with the help of testosterone and a physician. When Tracy decided to make this change she felt that she wanted to keep her ovaries so one day she can have children. Tracy surgically got rid of her female breasts and slowly changed to a male.

You may be wondering how in the world a woman can turn into a man. This process is called transgender.

In the womb up until around two months genitals look the same. When and if testosterone is introduced then the body begins to shape and form. Tracy did end up introducing testosterone to her body, but a little later in her life; which made her body transition into a male body. Thomas and his wife fooled the world. People in the couple’s community assume that Thomas wife is the pregnant one, and Thomas is just a regular/ordinary proud father to be.

How is the world going to deal with this new news? Sadly this child might be looked at differently because of its parents, Thomas and his wife might not be treated the same as they once did by other people in the community, and someone could get harmed. Wouldn’t it be great if none of those outcomes happened? Take a look at your life and decide whether or not you would like to be judged for being you. If you chose that being judged and hurt just were not the thing for you, maybe you should re-evaluate the way you treat others.

1 comment:

maral said...

Here here to a great introduction of what could be. Well stated with a sound voice portraying your opinion and facts. Some day I expect to see you with your own column. Well done and you really engage your audience with your closing statements. Fantastic.Where do you think society will be on this issue in 20 years?