Monday, February 11, 2008

a note to vote

In the 2008 presidential elections Barack Obama is one of the many nominees. An important issue to this candidate is to stop the war in Iraq; which Obama is not for at all. The font on the blog site is readable, and the font is also black. The background colors are white and blue. Readable font shows that this candidate is to the point. he is not hiding any underline issues, you know who he is and he is a trustworthy person. At the very top of the blog there is an American flag waving with Barack Obama’s picture and in the picture he is pointing his finger. This picture shows that he is strong, determined, and wants to wave our flag in a positive direction. The colors in the picture are vibrant, and that tells us that things are going to look up if he is elected president, and that the American people will be happy with their decision in voting for Obama. Barack will impact my life in many different ways if he were elected president. The war will hopefully be stopped which will cause less worry on everyone, and people will be able to unite and leave these scary issues in the past. He plans for better healthcare which can help not just me but everyone in the United States. I think overall all his changes will be important and impacting to everyone.

The title of the blog that I read was “Obama 08.” The blogger that created this site is Robert l. Rouse. Frankly this blog does not do a good job of representing the candidate. A few pieces of information were there, like Obama is against the war, he wants health care for everyone, and he has the youth vote. But it mainly focused on who is supporting Barack, and by that I mean what celebrities are for him. There was a lot of bashing against the other candidates, but not enough good concrete evidence for someone who opposed Obama to vote for him. There were a lot of pictures of Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and others. But only a couple pictures were up of Barack Obama who in which the blog is focused on.

Please do remember that voting is important, and although you do not think it matters, it does.


maral said...

Whoa! This is a super example of a critique backed with strong examples. One tiny missing item...where is the link?

Liv said...

I really appreciate the way that you "read" everything in the blog beyond the words. You took thoughtful note of all the different aspects of the blog. You really seemed to grasp what the bloggers were trying to get across. At the same time, you offer an important critique to the bloggers- that you got more information about others than about Obama. I also really love that you close with a reminder to vote. Well Done!

TonyC. said...

I'm with Liv on this one when she said that you "read". I'm Pro "read".
The pointing of the finger really symbolizes power and leadership, it really gave me the idea that you are right on that one. How can be so sure the blog that you're writing about was not a good blog at all?
"link" on maral, one thing is missing.
Voting is real important.
Good job!