Monday, March 3, 2008

same sex marriage view 1

Same sex marriage has been a big topic ever since the idea came about. Are you for it, or are you against it. Some choose to say, “I am not for gay marriage, but for the ideas for civil unions.” In the up incoming presidential elections of 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama does say this. Of course Mr. Obama says this to get the popular vote for the people who oppose it, and the people that are for it. You should put everything on the table, especially if you are running for presidency. Do not beat around the bush, say what you are really for; people will respect you more. You cannot have one and not the other. When it comes down to it, it is all the same thing.

It is not fair to the American people to mislead them. Do not try to keep everyone happy and get what you want out of it. Because when that is done the issue at hand never really gets taken care of, or goes away. People will still argue about it, try to get their view seen and understood.

Civil unions are not recognized in every state; only a few in the United States acknowledge them. We as the United States should have this going on in every state. We are all created equal and we all have the same rights as one another under the law. If two gay men that have a civil union with each other in Vermont decide to move from that state to South Dakota their civil union will not be respected and it will be as if it never happened.

Either you put it in play if and when you become president, or you completely disregard the whole idea. Just be honest about it because people will know that you care and are not being a sneaky and deceitful leader.


maral said...

Well said and well done. I really admire the way you support your ideas with specific examples. Your voice is very strong. I like your quote of "Do not try to keep everyone happy and get what you want out of it. Because when that is done the issue at hand never really gets taken care of, or goes away." You are saying what history is all about. Taking care of business the right way. You are very perceptive on this issue. Well done.

Liv said...

Well done! I like the way that you give a clear and well supported criticism of Obama's position. You provide clear reasoning for your criticism on an important issue. I like the way that you focused this large topic on one political figure. I think that it makes a great posting.